An Overview Of Audio-Video Conferencing

An Overview Of Audio-Video Conferencing

An overview of audio-video conferencing
In today’s technology-driven world, the ability to conduct real-time communication and collaboration has turned out to be crucial for any enterprise’s success and profitability. With greater quality and reduced operational expenses, it makes a lot of sense for small- and medium-sized organizations to invest in audio-video technology. These tools make it possible for the people located in a distinct location to communicate live face-to-face. It helps organizations in saving expenses required for travel, space, and increases the productivity of employees. Fortunately, there are many conferencing service providers available who provide services at very affordable rates from which you have to select the one which is best suits your needs.

Below is some information about audio-video conferencing.

Why use audio-video conferencing?

  • Audio-video conferencing is a broad category of online tools that incorporate a range of options from free one-to-one audio conferencing to expensive and sophisticated tools, such as Polycom, that allow multiple sites with entire classes to participate using video and audio.
  • It involves video and audio or just an audio connection between two or more computers, smart devices, etc. communicating through the Internet.

What are the technological requirements for audio-video conferencing?
The technology needed for audio-video conferencing include:

  • Computer with access to the Internet (preferably broadband)
  • Web browser
  • Speakers to hear the audio
  • A microphone (to speak)
  • A web camera (for video)

What are the major differences between audio and video conferencing?
The following are the major differences between audio and video conferencing:

  • Environment- An engaging environment is crucial for video conferencing but it has nothing to do with audio conferencing.
  • Network- A high-end telephone together with a good quality network is essential for successful audio conferencing while a high-speed Internet along with a compatible device is essential for video conferencing.
  • Presentation- Things like sharing of data and setting-up agenda for sharing requires to be prepared in advance if you are communicating through an audio connection while all these can be shared instantly if you are using video conferences.
  • Accessibility- The tools used in audio conferencing are easily accessible while the tools used in video conferencing are protected using various tools like firewalls. So a proper channel needs to be followed while accessing a video conferencing tool.
  • Cloud solutions- There are various cloud-based communication tools used for video conferencing, which reduces the expenses required for online communication with remotely placed people, but you may not need such types of tools in audio conferencing.
  • Technology- In video conferencing, you have to use various technological tools like a microphone, a web camera, a computer, a quality battery backup, and speakers together with video conferencing technology but with audio conferencing, there is no need of such tools.

What are the issues and problems related to audio-video conferencing?

  • Video conferencing in particular works best with the broadband connection.
  • Some users report that even though video conferencing appears well in the initial stage, its quality decreases with further use. They realize that it is good to use audio as it uses less bandwidth and so the quality remains higher in audio as compared to video.
  • Because of the small video window and low-quality images, the video images are of partial use when compared to ITV in which image is of a high quality.
  • It is crucial to have good quality speakers in video conferencing, in case, it is used for the users to connect face-to-face in class so that the classroom-based students are able to listen to the person who is speaking. Students speaking from the classroom must be able to identify to whom they are speaking.

Which are the best audio conferencing tools available online?
Some of the best audio conferencing tools available online are:

  • UberConference
  • FreeConferenceCall
  • Wiggio
  • Speek
  • Rondee
  • FreeConference
  • JoinMe
  • Google Voice


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